Introduction to Parallel Programming
Motivation for parallel programming: too big or too long
Parallel computing definition: using multiple computing resources to solve a bigger computational problem
Loosely and tightly coupled problems
Key components of tightly coupled parallel programming: problem decomposition, concurrency, communication and coordination
Serial and Parallel Programming
Serial computer’s major parts: CPU, memory, storage, Input/Output.
Serial programming: one process per cpu in sequential order.
Parallel computer: connected multiple computers that can coordinate and communicate.
Shared memory: utilizes multi-core threading (within one node).
Distributed memory: utilizes explicit message passing to exchange information between processors.
Introduction to MPI: Distributed Memory Programming in Python using mpi4py
Processes can exange information using MPI4PY constructs.
Messages can be any object types.
Commuincations can be peer to peer (comm.send and comm.recv ) or collective (comm.gather , comm.scatter …).
An MPI4PY COMM_WORLD object is necessary to manage operations between processes.
Use of if (rank == SOMETHING) ... else construct to make processes execute different tasks.
Rank 0’s special role.
Communicating Data with MPI
Problem Decomposition
A Template for a Simple Parallel Program
Provide a commonly occurring template for a parallel (computational) program.
Identify additional pieces in a code as a result of parallelization.
Provide a common pattern & workflow of parallelization of a program.
Parallel Computation of Statistics of a Large Array
Parallel code speedup analysis and why ideal cannot be achieved.
Be able to identify sections of code to improve to reduce runtime.
The priority is to use compiled-language routines/libraries instead of pure Python, since they will reduce runtime.
Image Encryption for Privacy
Homomorphic Encryption of an Image in Parallel
Utilize problem decomposition to parallelize, but do not allow chunks of data to overlap
Utilizing the same key among all processes will allow decrypting by one process.
Outro to Real-World Parallel Computing