This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

DeapSECURE module 3: Machine Learning

Key Points

Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Machine learning methods are divided into two classes: supervised and unspervised.

  • Supervised ML methods train models based on given data with labels/outcomes/objectives.

  • Unsupervised ML methods aims at finding structure/pattern without labeling the data.

An Introduction to Scikit-Learn and Pandas
  • Scikit-Learn provides machine learning capabilities for Python.

  • Pandas provides data handling and analytic tools for Python.

Case Study 1: Smartphone Application Classification
  • Understanding a machine learning problem.

Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning
  • Data preparation steps can be grouped into two categories: data cleaning and feature selection.

  • Data cleaning steps include removal of irrelevant or duplicate data as well as handling of missing data.

  • Feature selection aims identify features with the most predictive power for machine learning?

  • Relevant features are selected through careful observation and performing correlation and simple grouping analysis.

  • The output for classification can be encoded into binary bits.

Machine Learning for Smartphone Application Classification
  • Logistic regression and decision tree are two examples of classic machine learning algorithms.

  • Learn to fit the model with training set and test the model with model evaluation function.

Tuning the Machine Learning Model
  • The key methods for machine learning model tuning include: feature selection and model hyperparameter adjustments.

Scaling Out: Extreme-scale Machine Learning
  • Spark MLlib provides a way to apply machine learning algorithms on extremely large datasets.

Closing Words: Where Do We Go from Here?
  • Machine learning is not a blackbox and therefore should be used with proper care.

Case Study 2: Drone RF Signal Classification
  • Key steps preceding machine learning: Data loading, exploration, cleaning, and input preparation

Machine Learning for Drone Signal Classification
