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big data


Crash Course on Python

1 minute read


Python programming language will be used for the most parts of the DeapSECURE training program. We used to include a brief intro to Python during [one of the Fall workshops][deapsecure-lesson05-crypt]. However, we strongly encourage you to become familiar with Python for many good reasons. It is one of the most popular and easiest programming languages to learn. It is also used by many leading companies, government, and scientific research groups worldwide. Python programming is one of the most marketable skills today.

deep learning


2023 DeapSECURE Summer Institute

3 minute read


The DeapSECURE workshop series is a hands-on training on high-performance computational techniques emphasizing applications to cybersecurity research. We are excited to announce the Summer 2023 in-person DeapSECURE Workshop covering the topics of High-Performance Computing, Big Data, Machine Learning and Neural Networks for cybersecurity. We will conduct the workshop in-person. Come and join us, get your hands dirty while learning to use a supercomputer to address challenging cybersecurity research! Techniques taught in DeapSECURE workshops are rather general and transferable to other areas including science, engineering, finance, linguistics, etc. (Why Cybersecurity?)



Crash Course on Python

1 minute read


Python programming language will be used for the most parts of the DeapSECURE training program. We used to include a brief intro to Python during [one of the Fall workshops][deapsecure-lesson05-crypt]. However, we strongly encourage you to become familiar with Python for many good reasons. It is one of the most popular and easiest programming languages to learn. It is also used by many leading companies, government, and scientific research groups worldwide. Python programming is one of the most marketable skills today.

machine learning

neural networks



2023 DeapSECURE Summer Institute

3 minute read


The DeapSECURE workshop series is a hands-on training on high-performance computational techniques emphasizing applications to cybersecurity research. We are excited to announce the Summer 2023 in-person DeapSECURE Workshop covering the topics of High-Performance Computing, Big Data, Machine Learning and Neural Networks for cybersecurity. We will conduct the workshop in-person. Come and join us, get your hands dirty while learning to use a supercomputer to address challenging cybersecurity research! Techniques taught in DeapSECURE workshops are rather general and transferable to other areas including science, engineering, finance, linguistics, etc. (Why Cybersecurity?)




2023 DeapSECURE Summer Institute

3 minute read


The DeapSECURE workshop series is a hands-on training on high-performance computational techniques emphasizing applications to cybersecurity research. We are excited to announce the Summer 2023 in-person DeapSECURE Workshop covering the topics of High-Performance Computing, Big Data, Machine Learning and Neural Networks for cybersecurity. We will conduct the workshop in-person. Come and join us, get your hands dirty while learning to use a supercomputer to address challenging cybersecurity research! Techniques taught in DeapSECURE workshops are rather general and transferable to other areas including science, engineering, finance, linguistics, etc. (Why Cybersecurity?)